Connor Taylor
Officer, Investment Services

At ImpactAssets, Connor leads new investment pipeline management and transactions for the Client Recommended Investments program. Connor brings 10+ years of impact investing and philanthropy experience. Prior to ImpactAssets, Connor directed financial planning and business intelligence at an early-stage fintech healthcare company while also supporting a venture capital studio that creates companies solving health challenges for the most vulnerable communities across the US. Previously, he worked with an ESG-focused international private market investment manager and joined a newly launched M&A advisory firm in South Texas. Connor spent six years focusing on socially responsible public equity and debt investing and working with institutional clients and investment consultants at Dimensional Fund Advisors. Connor started his career supporting microfinance institutions in Eastern Europe and East Africa with HOPE International and has supported the philanthropic giving and impact investments of multiple family foundations including the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. Connor earned a BA from Indiana University Bloomington and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin.
Causes I care about: Poverty alleviation, social entrepreneurship, and reducing health, education, and income inequality.