An Annual Showcase of Impact Investment Fund Managers


An Annual Showcase of Impact Investment Fund Managers

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ImpactAssets 50: A Global Landscape of Impact Investment Fund Managers
The ImpactAssets 50 (IA 50) is the first open-source, publicly published database of experienced private debt and equity impact investment fund managers.

ImpactAssets 50

An Annual Showcase of Impact Investment Fund Managers

IA 50 2023 PROFILE

Oryx Impact S.L.

Total Assets Under Management: Less than $25M
Asset Class: Private Equity
Primary UN Sustainable Development Goal: 8 – Decent Work & Economic Growth
Clean Technology, Alternative Energy & Climate Change
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Job creation and workforce development

Firm Overview

Category: Fund of Funds

Oryx Impact is the first impact oriented, gender lens fund of funds focused solely on Africa. The key impact objectives of the fund are to: i) drive economic development and create job opportunities, ii) support investments in climate change mitigation and adaptation and iii) promote gender equality, all while generating attractive financial returns. Another important objective of Oryx Impact is to mobilize capital that will unlock Africa’s growth potential and promote sustainable and resilient economies and societies, which in turn is expected to reduce forced migration and regional and global inequalities.  One of the key value adds of Oryx Impact will be fostering the local ecosystem of impact fund managers investing in Africa, especially the women-led and emerging fund managers. This will be achieved through a Technical Assistance facility focused on implementing top standards in impact and ESG measurement and management.

Firm Headquarters: Western Europe
Years of Operation: Less than 3 years
Total Assets Under Management:
Less than $25M
Total Number of Investors: Less than 5
% of Capital from Top 3 Investors: 100%
Investment Thesis:

The Oryx Impact fund mobilizes capital for investments in the African Continent, unlocking Africa’s growth potential and promoting sustainable and resilient societies, with the aim of reducing forced migration as well as regional and global inequalities. 

Investment Overview:

Oryx Impact unlocks growth opportunities in Africa and increases private capital flows by investing in private equity, venture capital and private debt funds with strong local presence and networks and by seeking co-investments into companies. Ultimately, the fund will provide growth capital to SMEs and businesses facilitating the production, supply and trade in essential goods and services for low and middle income populations. The fund applies a gender lens at SME and fund level, proactively seeking women-led fund management teams that in turn are more likely to invest in female-led businesses. By investing into funds that address at least one of the three impact objectives of Oryx Impact: i) drive economic development and create job opportunities, ii) support investments in climate change mitigation and adaptation and iii) promote gender equality; the fund will contribute to building a more sustainable and resilient Africa.

Company Differentiator:

100% Africa focus: a. Expertise in opportunities and challenges specific to Africa b. Selection of fund managers with strong local presence c. Ability to mobilize private capital for impact investments in Africa, including investors from the continent Impact driven investor: a. Finance first Gender Lens fund of funds b. Investments with a clear focus on: Job creation, Climate change, Gender equality c. Support to the local impact investing ecosystem by: Including emerging managers, Seeking women-led funds, Providing TA Curated portfolio of funds: a. Ability to pick top performing fund managers in countries and sectors experiencing dynamic growth through a single investment b. Ability to design, structure and deliver a well-balanced, diversified portfolio while mitigating risk Experienced team: a. Track record in impact investing, Private Debt & Equity and Fund of Funds b. Investment experience and presence in key African geographies c. Predominantly women-led team 

Investment Example

Sample investment of a Fund well-advanced in Oryx Impact's pipeline: Emerging fund manager raising a Venture Capital fund to invest into series A to series C companies in Sub-Saharan Africa. The team has a positive and relevant track record in similar strategies and is supported by world-renowned entrepreneurs and investors. The investment team is mostly local, female-led and based on the continent. The Fund is targeting investments which can have a significant impact on the African population in the spaces of financial inclusion, healthcare and education, while targeting market-rate returns.

Leadership and Team

Cumulative Leadership Experience in Impact Investing:
30 years or more
Cumulative Impact Experience of Top Three Firm Leaders:
30 years or more
Teresa Guardans – Founding Partner & CEO More Info

More than 25 years of experience in investment banking, wealth management, and impact investing with SBC Warburg, UBS, Rothschild and Pictet. Driving the transition from traditional financial return driven portfolios into net positive impact investments.

Sebastian Waldburg – Founding Partner & CIO More Info

Seasoned impact investor with significant experience in climate finance and venture capital. More than 25 years in the financial sector related to energy investments and private equity, with relevant exposure to emerging markets.

Lisa Hehenberger – Chief Impact Advisor More Info

Professor at ESADE Business School and a recognized expert on impact measurement, impact investing and social entrepreneurship. Active in expert groups (EU, OECD, GSG, etc.) and advisory boards (Rubio, Creas) and former research and policy director of the European Venture Philanthropy Association.

Percentage of Investment Professionals who identify as women:
50% or more
Percentage of Investment Professionals who identify as people of color:*
25% to less than 50%
Percentage of Senior Management Team who identify as women:
50% or more
Percentage of Senior Management Team who identify as people of color:*
Less than 25%
*People of color include: Black, Latinx, Asian, Native American/Alaskan Native, Pacific Islander, Middle Easterm and multi-racial Americans

Financial Performance

Target Financial Returns Relative to Benchmark:
Market Rates
Actual Performance of Impact Products/Funds Relative to Target Financial Returns in the Past Three Years:
In line with initial target returns
Financial Reporting Frequency to Investors or Donors

Impact Performance

Percentage of Total Assets Under
Management that are Impact Investments:
Primary Impact Outcomes:
Creating jobs
Secondary Impact Outcomes:
Addressing climate change and environmental issues
Alleviating poverty
Conserving land, oceans, ecosystems and natural resources
Increasing access to workforce development services, job skilling and retraining
Creating jobs
Increasing access to education and improving educational outcomes
Increasing access to financial services
Increasing access to healthcare services and improving health
Addressing gender inequities
Value-added Services Offered:
Other: Technical Assistance (TA) on IMM (Impact Measurement and Management) for emerging fund managers

Investments systematically target companies where social and/or environmental impact is integral to the product/service being created:

Oryx Impact targets impact fund managers that screen potential investments with an impact lens. For those fund managers that have not formalised impact screening tools, Oryx Impact will support their development through a Technical Assistance Facility. Oryx Impact will encourage fund managers to analyse potential deals through the IMP's 5 impact dimensions in order to screen and later scale and deepen the SME's impact.

Investments systematically include social and environmental sustainability practices in the due diligence process:

Oryx Impact embeds its impact and ESG criteria within its entire investment process, adhering to the IFC Operating Principles of Impact Management and as a Signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment. Oryx Impact has developed a scorecard to evaluate the fund manager's ESG practices at fund and portfolio levels. Indicators are primarily based on SDGs and IRIS indicators. Oryx Impact also uses a gender lens to proactively seek investment in women-led fund managers that satisfy the criteria of the 2X Challenge. If additional support can be given to underlying fund managers, Oryx Impact's Technical Assistance facility will provide ESG and IMM input.

Impact Tracking and Monitoring

Impact is Tracked:
Impact Verified by an Independent Third-Party:
Social and/or Environmental Impact is Reported to Investors and Donors:
Yes – to the public
Third Party Validations:
Member of Impact Capital Managers
Impact Frontiers Cohort Participant
Implement recommendations from Task Force on Climate Related-Financial Disclosure
Net Zero Assets Managers Initiative
Utilizes standardized impact metrics (e.g. IRIS+, GIIRS, etc.)
Participant on steering committees or leadership roles within impact industry associations
Publisher or contributor to industry white paper or other research in impact investing

Learn More

Key Contact Name: Timothy Llewellyn-Davies
Phone: +886-903233213
Mailing Address:

Escoles Pies 115, Barcelona, Catalonia 08017 Spain

Apply for the IA 50 2022

The application period to become an ImpactAssets 50 2022 Fund Manager will open in September 2021!
To stay informed on the application process, sign up here.

IA 50 2025: Apply For Consideration

The application period for the IA 50 2025 closed on October 25, 2024. To stay informed on the IA 50 application process for next year, sign up here.